odor funder
用氣味作為藝術創作媒材確實很少見,除了在香水大廠有較為商業取向的所謂調香師之外。odorfunder氣味製造所今天就要介紹一位當代嗅覺藝術家-Sissel Tolaas。 挪威籍的Sissel Tolaas早期是裝置藝術家,直到1990年代她才開始跨入氣味研究的領域並獲得國際香精大廠IFF的支持,並於2005年的Tirana雙年展展出主題為The Smell of Fear(恐懼的氣味)。此展為Sissel Tolaas模擬人類汗味與體臭而成,對此她說"In the modern West, we tend to think of smell in purely aesthetic terms, pleasant or unpleasant. In many other cultures however, smells have provided and still provide a basic means of defining the and interacting with the world. This is particularly the case in so far as odours are closely associated with personal and group identity. The study of the history, anthropology, and sociology of smells is, in a very real sense, an investigation into the ‘essence’ of human culture itself.”也就是氣味對於個人或群體的認同都是很重要的,對於人類文化也是。 odorfunder氣味製造所的品牌理念,即是 : 以氣味創造文化,用嗅覺刻劃記憶。除了為商業品牌創造嗅覺識別,為個人創造專屬氣味的香氛小物之外,也期待與藝術家共同創造當代嗅覺文化哦!快來訊洽詢吧! #嗅覺 #藝術 #氣味 #創作 #SisselTolaas #odorfunder #氣味藝術 #請分享 pics from :sightunseen.com |